Not That (But Something Else)

Not That (But Something Else)

“Not That (But Something Else) stands out. [It] exploits a seemingly simple idea—company members serially announce what the play is not about—to create a panoramic view that acknowledges both the clichés that plague contemporary theater and its potential for...
The Tiniest Sound in Recorded History

The Tiniest Sound in Recorded History

    Directed by Luke Siddall Renegade Seven Theatre Company May 2007 Chicago, IL A play about family, fire, and friendship. Not in that order.   Featuring : Kate Bailey, Rebecca Buller, Jason Earl Folks, Allison Heitner, Chelsea Marcantel, and Blake...
Picasso at the Lapin Agile

Picasso at the Lapin Agile

by Steve Martin June 2005 Renegade Shakespeare Company Baton Rouge, Louisiana   Steve Martin’s timeless comedy about the intersection of art and science on one fateful, fictional night in Paris. Featuring :  Kate Bailey, Desirée Bacala, Derrick Denicola,...
Anouilh’s Antigone

Anouilh’s Antigone

by Jean Anouilh Adapted and Translated by Lewis Galantière January 2006 Renegade Shakespeare Company Baton Rouge, Louisiana “In Jean Anouilh there is a constant alternation between moods of brave affirmation and bitter protest; affirmation of life’s primal...
Galatea on God

Galatea on God

Old stories.  New faces.  Ancient dilemmas. Directed by Blake Williams June 2006 Renegade Shakespeare Company Baton Rouge, LA   Featuring: Rebecca Buller, Garrett Bruce, Jonathan Butts, Christian Drerup, Elizabeth Godley, Luke Siddall, and Josh Toups.  ...
Private Lives

Private Lives

by Noel Coward June 2004 The Strand Theatre Jennings, Louisiana   The first play I ever directed: Noel Coward’s classic comedy of manners and the mannerless. Featuring : Alex Beck, Derrick Denicola, Angélique Marcantel, Wendy Morrill, and Amber Nelson Click...
Joined at the Head

Joined at the Head

A play about friendship, memory, change, loss, and who is left standing in the middle. by Catherine Butterfield November 2004 Louisiana State University Department of Theatre LSU Honors College Thesis Project Baton Rouge, Louisiana Featuring : Courtney Clark, Andréa...